Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday 29th December 2020 – Following with the successful launch of The Budimas Soup Kitchen Project of 2020, The Budimas Charitable Foundation is proud to continue its 2nd round of charity distribution for the residents of the Pusat Perumahan (PPR) Batu Muda. The charitable event that was previously inaugurated on the 30th of November 2020 by the chairman of the foundation, Y.M Tunku Dato Yaacob Khyra along with Principal Officer, Ms Anne Rajasaikaran received a successful response from the public, which has indeed motivated the team to continue its effort again by providing groceries for 50 more families from the B40 background.

The campaign was conducted by The Budimas Team along with the assistance of Mr Redzuan Bin Hanafi, the association’s chairman. The Budimas Soup Kitchen Project was mainly dedicated to provide support for the homeless and underprivileged community at the city centre of Kuala Lumpur with a daily supply of meals and groceries to various rural areas and streets at the city centre of Kuala Lumpur. With the current pandemic of COVID-19 affecting the economic situation of rural communities in Malaysia, this campaign seeks to be a soothing effort organised by the foundation as they raise awareness on the importance of helping the poor communities in Malaysia. The foundation will also be looking forward to providing necessary aids and funding support through our 3 pillar programmes which is The Budimas Home, Food and Education Charity Fund for the underprivileged children in need.

“Little did we know that a one-month project merely executed to feed and support the homeless community in the city centre of Kuala Lumpur would gain such a good response from the public and media. Recognising the support and value that we would be able to contribute to our community, The Budimas Charitable Foundation will be further enhancing this project as we turn it into a part of our annual event for the coming years,” said Anne Rajasaikaran, the Principal Officer of The Budimas Charitable Foundation.

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